A Beautiful Day!
Today…. if you forgive that guy that is honking his
horn at you, if you choose the treadmill over the couch, if you speak the smallest
word of thanks, if you hold your tongue at the thousandth irritation of the
day, if you make that small change that you know you’ve been needing to make,
if you choose to be grateful when you want to pout, if you tell that loved one
that you love them, if you lay down a duty for a moment of play, if you face a
fear, if you learn something valuable, if you talk to God, if you work on
understanding and forgiving that offender, if you deliberately suppress your
negative instincts, if you comfort someone in pain, if you obey when you don’t
want to, if you take the higher road, if you maintain a positive attitude, if
you stand up for what is right and just, if you control your ego, if you teach someone
something valuable, if you withhold that critical word, if you let someone know
you notice the good in them, if you listen when you want to speak instead, if
you analyze before jumping right in, or maybe you need to jump right in when
you want to over-analyze, if you say yes when you really want to say no, or
maybe you say no when you really want to say yes, if you put off procrastination,
if you conquer a difficult task, if you give someone a genuine smile, if you help
a child, if you give something extra, if you seek wisdom from those that have
been there, if you laugh when you want to brood, if you are patient under
pressure, if you read some good material, if you think outside the box, if you
share your creativity with the world, if you are honest, if you lighten the
load of another…. then you have painted
the colors of your own beauty into this day! Make this a beautiful day!