The Silent Force
It is a beautiful, verdant tree, its towering trunk and
ample branches providing welcome shade from the Texas heat. However, at some
point in its lifetime this tree had suffered a lightening strike that caused an
internal split in the tree’s trunk. In an effort to reinforce it, someone had
placed a sturdy metal band around the trunk. I was surprised when my daughter
walked into the house one day holding this metal band in her hand. “What
happened?” I asked her, “Were you pulling on that?” I started to admonish.
“No,” she replied, “It was just open.” I went out to evaluate the situation and
try to determine what strange force had popped open a metal band, and the conclusion
I gathered surprised me. It was not caused by vandalism or curious children,
but by the growth of the tree. Despite its scars, its weakness, its internal
damage, the tree had continued to grow and its own growth and weight had broken
the band that held it.
Sometimes we look at people and it is obvious that there are
issues holding their lives in a bind. Samson was one of these people. Despite
being called of God to accomplish a great mission as a judge and deliverer of
the Israelites, he was held in chains by his own desires. This weakness
eventually caught up with him and he found himself a depowered captive.
However, the enemies forgot that as his hair grew, his power grew. This
oversight allowed Samson to break the fetters of his oppressors and achieve his
greatest victory ever.
As humans, we all wrestle with things that hold us down, but
we must remember that every human also has the power to grow. As we become more
honest with ourselves, more aware of God, more educated about our situation and
more dedicated to making small, everyday changes, we begin to grow. Although
slow, unseen and not very glamorous, growth has the power to break the
restraints that hold us back.