Monday, May 13, 2013

An Elementary Oversight

How can we commit such an elementary oversight? The computer is not working and we are mashing buttons, muttering under our breath and looking for the Geek Squad hotline when our kid walks in and casually mentions that we might want to plug the computer in and give it some juice. Well, maybe the better question is, "How can I do such dumb stuff??" But I have.

We take being plugged in for granted. The washer washes, the freezer freezes, the blender blends, the light lights all because they are plugged into an outlet. In our American society, we rarely doubt if there is electricity flowing because it usually is, and we trust in this external energy source for function, comfort and convenience. So it is in other parts of our lives also. We take for granted our health, strength, mental capabilities, earning power and relationships. We rarely consider what source they are plugged into or what external provider allows us this energy. That is until we become unplugged. Suddenly our health fails, we can no longer pay the bills, we start having strange thoughts or our spouse files for divorce and we start flipping a thousand different switches to try to make it all work again. Not until the last option do we finally ask ourselves, "Could it be unplugged?" Sometimes we have to push through all the possibilities, all the advice and theories and simply reconnect with the Main Source. We must take the time to unload our burdened spirits of their pain, hurt, resentment, lack of forgiveness and fear and plug back into a real relationship with the Giver of All Life. It is amazing how well things can work when they are actually plugged in!


  1. Amen! I work for a company in customer service and we have to ask that question daily! It's a very common mistake and people are ususlly offended that we ask it just to be embarrased that the answer was so basic! Plugging into prayer sounds so simple but we often overlook it! Thank u!

    1. Nice to hear some 'professional' evidence that this is more common than we may think! It can be so easy to overlook the basics. Appreciate your input!

    2. I just realized who you are! lol! Hope you are well and blessed. Thanks for the comment!
