Best Friends
Maybe you were drawn to me because I was new and exciting,
or maybe you have known me since the day you were born. The way that we met
does not really matter to me because I know that once we are friends we will
probably be friends forever. I am your best friend. I am the one that comforts
you when your heart is sad, I am the one that helps you make sense out of your
confusions and I am the one that is always there for you when everything else
falls away. I know the secrets of your heart and I know that you feel you
cannot exist without me. I know the deepest desires and fears that you carry on
the inside; in fact, these are the very hooks that I wrap myself onto in order
to stay in your life. You tend to take me for granted as best friends do. You
assume that I will always be there for you, faithful to catch your falling
hopes and to build up your wavering ego, and you are right: I will always be
there. There is only one thing that can separate us and it is the only thing
that I fear. This enemy of mine has the power to reveal me for who I really am.
It has the power to make you see that I am not really your friend, but your
worst enemy. I deceive you, I oppress you, I distort your thinking but you are
not aware of this until He shines His light onto me. Oh, how I hope you do not
turn toward that light! How I hope you do not seek truth because then you would
understand that your best friend is a lie.
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself
against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience
of Christ;” 2 Corinthians 10:5