Monday, March 10, 2014

The Flame
Daddy and I (many years ago!)

With my parents, Herb and Ruth Witmyer.

“You led them… by a pillar of fire, to give them light in the way wherein they should go.” 
Nehemiah 9:12

 “It isn’t going to go out soon?” This was the question my children asked me concerning the lighting of the Olympic Flame. “No,” I responded, “it will not got out until the end of the games.” Eternal flames, both natural and manmade, have been burning continuously for hundreds, even thousands, of years. Flames attract attention. There is something fascinating and innately symbolic about watching them leap up high into the air, giving off their intense heat and bright light.

Today my father turns 76 years old and I think about the flame of his life. His is a flame that is fueled by dedication to God and a love of righteousness. From my childhood, I have seen him consistently ‘do what is right’ even when no one was looking, when it was hard and when it cost him. In my immaturity, I didn’t always like this, but now I realize that just like the Israelites were guided by a divine pillar of light, so I was being led by a God-given flame. The most marvelous thing about an eternal flame is that no matter what the conditions are, how far you roam or what happens in the world, it keeps on burning just the same because it stays connected to the all-important fuel supply. I like Desmond Tutu’s quote: “Like when you sit in front of a fire in winter- you are just there in front of the fire. You don’t have to be smart or anything. The fire warms you.” I am grateful to be guided and warmed my whole life by the love and example of an eternal flame. Happy Birthday Dad! 
Check out my dad's website:


  1. Thanks Evie, those words mean a lot to a old man reflecting back on his life. Sometimes we wonder looking back if our life really counts for much. Thanks for the shot in the arm.

    1. Thank you for always being a good and faithful example for me, our family and untold others. Thank you for always caring about us and constantly praying for us. We love you!
