Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Countdown

It clings to the side of my refrigerator, staring me down as I do the dishes. I swipe a sideway glimpse at its ever-beckoning information and I realize that we are one day closer. What stares at me is a magnetic to-do list that my resourceful daughter decided to convert into her personal Christmas countdown calendar. Every day she diligently updates how many days are left until Christmas and everyday I am reminded that it is closer. When she first started this activity, my initial reaction was anxiety. Oh no! Less then a month and so much to do! However, as my preparation began to match the proximity of the day, my apprehension evolved into an excitement that rivaled her anticipation of this special day. Her project had helped to keep me focused.
Somewhere in God’s unseen realm there hangs a countdown calendar. Maybe it keeps track of the number of days until our promise is fulfilled, until our breakthrough comes, or until our prayer is answered. Sometimes we forget that these things are even on their way and we become distracted by our everyday chores and cares. Forgetfulness fogs our faith. The nation of Israel was oblivious to the fact that God’s countdown clock was clicking and the Messiah was about to appear. He came, and those that sat in darkness didn’t even realize that the electric had come back on, so they continued to sit in their cold and gloom.
There is still a countdown calendar in the heavens and it is marking the days until deliverance comes, light shines, righteousness rules, justice reigns and joy breaks through. One day we will be washing the dishes and look up to realize that the calendar announces ONE, and what a day of rejoicing that will be!
Image retrieved from: http://mythsofchristianity.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/17.star-of-bethlehem-2.jpg

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