Monday, July 14, 2014

The Wing Man

You admire the beautiful butterfly and wait for it to take off into graceful flight, but it doesn't. It just sits there. You look closer and discover the reason why: a broken wing. Grief enters your heart as you realize that any attempt you make to fix its delicate wing will probably make things worse. This is a butterfly in need of redemption. A creature that is unable to buy back the ability to function as it was created to function. Many times when we look into the mirror, we are looking at a creature with a redemption wish. We long to restore power, reawaken what is dead, regain health, revenge wrongs, relieve pain and redo mistakes made. We scratch our heads in confusion, and since we have not yet found the Idiots Guide to Redemption in the overloaded self-help section at Barnes and Noble, we continue to make pitiful jabs in the dark at this fiery dragon called Brokenness. We take up the armaments of anger, defensiveness, helplessness, addictions, ambition, pride, materialism, aggression and selfishness to try to fix our broken wing or at least to preserve the good one we have left. But over time our weapons only break more wings. What to do? Redemption is not just an event; it is a journey. It is a journey about understanding love, taken on the back of a man that was beaten for our failings, and crucified for our disobediences. A man that knows about brokenness. A God and Creator that is able to restore our broken wings and redeem the designs of our lives so we can fly heavenwards again when we allow Him to be our wing man. 

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